Sunday, November 30, 2014


50˚ today in Plymouth. 

4 mil plastic sheet folded in half to a size of 11' x 12' and then stapled on edge to make it easier to handle while placing it around the sides/bottom of the foundation hole.

It wasn't too difficult to get in the center of the base and walk it up the cellar stairs. Letting it slide down into the hole with the plastic secured in place was also easy. Insulation, heat sink set up and some back filling will be next.

Not bad/close enough


  1. Nice work so far, construction looks good! How many hours of sun will it be getting in a day? What do you plan on growing in it over the winter?

  2. Thanks Jeremy! During the deep winter, it should receive about 5-6 hours of sun. I may add vertical reflectors screens on either side of the greenhouse, set at an angle to focus more of the short hours of sun energy onto the growing area. During the summer, probably too much sun; 9+ hours which I will have to deal with in the traditional ways. I've been asked to grow some string beans but I've read they don't like temperature fluctuations. Maybe a carrot, a lettuce and and an herb or two. IF I can find the room. Cya
