Wednesday, November 19, 2014

SketchUp sketch design

Hello folks, this blog is to document a semi quick build of a 4' x 2' winterized greenhouse. This is the basic mockup done in SketchUp. I plan on including a heat sink below the grow bed which will draw any excess internal warm air down into a dry rock bed beneath the grow bed. I also plan on adding a water bed heating pad just below the grow bed (just above the rock heat sink). I also plan on building a wicking bed into the design and hand water/ fertilize the plants allowing them to soak up nutrients and water as needed.  


  1. This is a pretty cool design! I like that you are using 12v computer fans, which means you can use a golf cart battery (or two, rather) and photovoltaics and be 100% energy independent (except for depending on the sun - but you know what I mean). I think I will follow you to see how this project goes.

    1. Hey Patrick, sorry I didn't get back sooner. Life intervened for several weeks and diverted my time/attention from the project and this blog. I didn't get a chance to finish the frame or set anything in the ground. I'm disappointed but I wonder how well the lil greenhouse would have withstood the 4 ft snow drifts while I was away!

      Thanks for your comment and your reading my mind/plan. To start I was going to just wire it into the house but the goal for the future would a small PV panel/battery and bring the power needs down as much as possible. If life gets less busy I might be able to place the base/grow bed inside the house here in front of a double window within the next month, but in ground test will have to wait until the thaw. Also my sister wants to start building her full scale greenhouse, which I may post pictures and notes about, and that will keep me doubly busy. Delays and projects.

